Rubber Factory

We are a rubber factory and environmentally friendly rubber products manufacturers. Leading quality and eco-friendliness that supports sustainability for all industries.

We are a leading quality and environmentally friendly rubber manufacturer that supports sustainability for all industries.

About us

North east Rubber Public Company Limited is a primary rubber factory for Ribbed Smoked Sheet (RSS), Standard Thai Rubber (STR) and Mixtures Rubber. The factory is located in the area of Prakhon Chai District, BuriRam Province, and managed by the local executives in an attempt to select for using main local raw materials from the Northeast zone and focus on employment of labour inside the surrounding communities on continuous basis since 2006.

About us

นอร์ทอีส รับเบอร์ จำกัด (มหาชน) โรงงานผลิตยางพาราขั้นต้น ในรูปของยางแผ่นอัดก้อน ยางแท่ง และยางผสมโรงงานตั้งอยู่ในเขตพื้นที่อำเภอประโคนชัย จังหวัดบุรีรัมย์ ที่บริหารงานโดยผู้บริหารท้องถิ่นที่พยายามเลือกใช้วัตถุดิบหลักจากท้องถิ่นจากเขตภาคอิสานและมุ่งเน้นการจ้างงานแก่แรงงานภายในชุมชนรอบข้าง อย่างต่อเนื่อง ตั้งแต่ปี 2549

North east Rubber Public Company Limited is a primary rubber factory for Ribbed Smoked Sheet (RSS), Standard Thai Rubber (STR) and Mixtures Rubber. The factory is located in the area of Prakhon Chai District, BuriRam Province, and managed by the local executives in an attempt to select for using main local raw materials from the Northeast zone and focus on employment of labour inside the surrounding communities on continuous basis since 2006.

Announcement of the purchasing rubber price

Note: The deadline for booking is after the price is released until 14.00 Minimum booking quantity 30 tons

Raw Rubber Sheet

(Moisture content less than 2.8%)


Rubber cup lumps

(DRC 100%)


(This price does not include %DRC)

Crepe rubber

(DRC 100%)


(This price does not include %DRC)

Our Products

The Company is specialized in rubber products manufacturers as para rubber processing industry
and natural rubber-made products for suppliers and distribution in both domestic and
foreign countries.


Ribbed Smoked

ยางแท่ง STR

Standard Thai


Mixture Rubber


Livestock rubber mat


ยางแท่ง STR


Our Products

The Company is specialized in manufacturing the products in para rubber processing industry and natural rubber-made products for distribution in both domestic and foreign countries.

Ribbed Smoked Sheet

Ribbed Smoked Sheet

Ribbed Smoked Sheet

Standard Thai Rubber

Ribbed Smoked Sheet

Mixture Rubber

Ribbed Smoked

Standard Thai

Mixture Rubber


We are a sustainable rubber factory based on the next 3 principles.

(Sustainability Policy and Strategy)

Northeast Rubber, Rubber Thai, Natural Rubber, NER

Investor Relations

News & Update

Northeast Rubber, Rubber Thai, Natural Rubber, NER
Northeast Rubber, Rubber Thai, Natural Rubber, NER
Northeast Rubber, Rubber Thai, Natural Rubber, NER
Northeast Rubber, Rubber Thai, Natural Rubber, NER

Whistle Blowing